Books and Podcasts

2022 Recommendations

April's Recommendations

Book: People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry

If you are looking for an easy, fun read to take on vacation or to pass the time on the weekend, this is the book for you. This is from the same author who wrote Beach Read, which I loved but know it was a 50/50 split for some readers. I will say it took about 1/3 of the book to really get into it, but at that point, I finished the rest in a day.

This book follows a friendship over the course of several summers. Since freshman year in college, Alex and Poppy have chosen a city or country to visit during summer break and have met some amazing and crazy people along the way. The story jumps back and forth between the summer trips and present day so the reader can see how their friendship develops and also understand the obstacles in the way.

Podcast: How'd She Do That

I stumbled onto this podcast this past month and it has been an easy listen to and from work. I have listened to about 10 different episodes, but you can jump around based on what you are feeling or interested in. The narrator, Emily Landers, interviews women who have started their own company, are leaders in their field, or are just a badass woman in general. This is a good one to subscribe to and then catch up on in between other podcasts.

Spring Break Recommendations

Ok, I will admit, I slacked off for February, but I promise I have been reading! I got stuck on Lisa Jewel books and couldn't stop. So, in lieu of a February and March book and podcast post, I decided to leave my recommendations for great beach reads and travel podcast series. Since many of you will be traveling, catching some rays, or even spring cleaning and need a book audio book or podcast, check out one or all of these! I promise you will get lost in the story and really be able to relax.

Podcasts for Traveling and Beach Reads

January's Recommendations

Book: Little Secrets by Jennifer Hillier

Lately, I have been getting all of my book recommendations from Reese Witherspoon's Book Club and from stories on Instagram. When I see someone post a good recommendation, I immediately add it to my shelf on the Libby app (which if you are not using, what are you waiting for!!)

This novel has so many twists and turns and I honestly struggled to predict the ending, which is why I gave it 5 stars. The story is about a celebrity hairstylist, her husband, and son, who is abducted at the very beginning of the novel. The rest of the story focuses on her life after the abduction and trying to figure out where her son could be.

Podcast: Morbid

I honestly can't believe I am late to this podcast, but I am so happy I found it. I stumbled on to this podcast through the Wizard of Oz episode and I am have been jumping around, picking and choosing based on what I am feeling for this day. To me, this is very similar to Crime Junkies but with more candor. My husband said he thinks I like this one because he could see me wanting to just hang out with the hosts and I 100% agree. If you are looking for a good place to start, here is a list of their top 10 episodes, including the top one, the Memphis 3.